We are not just good contracts lawyers, but our team is experienced in planning, structuring, executing, and evaluating projects as well. This benefits you. In our jurisdiction, we are the go-to drafters and analysts of large and complex contracts. What sets us apart is our ability to simplify them and communicate our opinion to our clients in a manner that best uses our experience and helps them make clear and informed decisions. In short, we have an eye for detail and a penchant for giving clear advice.

We are experienced in performing legal due diligence for a variety of clients in Rwanda and the East African region. We thoroughly review documentation and legal relations. We can help you protect your business’s interest and by making sure any impending threats are minimized and a fair deal value is attained.

From start-ups to exit approaches, we can help you build a strong legal foundation for your company. We can help you at the start when deciding on the legal structure for your enterprise, writing the various agreements and by-laws you need to operate your business. We can also help you protect your ideas with our IP expertise. For exits, we work hard to help our clients come up with thorough exit strategies that, wherever possible, keep the value of the company.